4 Kids and Us

4 Kids and Us

Monday, August 25, 2008

When Life is Frustrating

Second grade project due Friday, parents involvement expected...
No cardstock paper at home,have to run to the store...
Running to the store with 4 kids, not an easy task...
pack the diaper bag, change diapers, find everyones shoes...
Decide against going to Walmart at this time of night, stop off at CVS...
One kid kicks of his shoes immediately upon entering store...
One kids starts asking for Candy...
"No! No! Stop it!" words coming from Mom's mouth...
Grab paper, Grab dog food, Rats they have no bread...
Check out time. " No you can't have candy... Keep your shoes on...."
"What do you mean this register isn't working" Move to another one...
Out to the car, 4 kids in tow. Wasp flies in....
5 minutes pass, wasp went bye bye...
On the Road again.... hum the tune if you must.... Wait
"blutifpshkoehfehluleu" Thats the noise of baby having a blow out diaper...
Did I mention the store was only 5 minutes away and we only bought 3 things...
Pull into the garage, yeah we are home.

"Mom, NOW can I have candy.... "

Deep breath.... now to start cooking dinner, oh yeah and change that dreadful diaper.


lh said...

I swear CVS is evil. Everytime I take my kids there it is just like what you have described. Last time Elliott wiped out the front display and I had to pick it all up while praying that he didn't decide to dash out the front doors! And I was getting the 'you are the worst mom ever' looks. And that was with two. Sounds like you did MUCH better!

myhouseof6 said...

im so feeling you kell. i hate cvs.
the isles are too narrow making everything within reach.
better day tomorrow!!