4 Kids and Us

4 Kids and Us

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blue sucker

I have really been enjoying watching the boys play together recently. Thomas really tries hard to include Joseph in everything he does. Quick little story, today I had a Dr. apt and had to bring both the boys. While I was talking to the Dr., Thomas was apparently entertaining Joseph, by sharing his blue sucker. I wish I had my camera with me, it would have been a great picture. I didn't notice that Joseph had blue lips and a blue tongue until I was checking out. I said, "Thomas why does Joseph have a blue mouth" his reply, "Baby shoshif likes sucker" The receptionist and the nurse tried hard not to laugh too much as I was cleaning up Joseph's face. He sure was smacking his lips though. Yum! Yum!

1 comment:

J said...

So darling! Jonathan is now starting to "play" with my Joseph too! Miss seeing you guys!