4 Kids and Us

4 Kids and Us

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Family Dinner

So, we decided to go out for a family dinner tonight. We arrived at the restaurant, and had to wait about 25minutes. Joseph was fussy, not wanting to be held or sit, only stand. The other kids were loud and hyper. We finally got seated, except that Joseph still didn't want to sit down. So, I decided to check the diaper. WOW! Bad news, this was his 3rd Poopy diaper in the past 2 hours, only I guess it must have happened on the drive to the restaurant, because he had one RED, RAW tush. He was screaming and shaking so bad while I changed him. Poor baby. I had no diaper cream with me. Ugggg! Well, I went back to the table and Joseph continued to be very upset, and refused to sit. So, Allen left to go to the grocery store to get some diaper cream. He was only gone for about 10-15minutes, but with 4 kids to myself in the restaurant it felt like an eternity. Especially since, I was still holding Joseph, and unable to drink my margarita. We were still waitin for food at that time. When Allen got back, I took Joseph back to the restroom to apply diaper cream, only it didn't sooth the diaper rash like I hoped, he just got more mad, and I couldn't get him to calm down. I ended up taking him to the car, where he continued to be fussy, and I continued to think about that margarita, and the chips and salsa that I was missing. After awhile I went back in with Joseph, trying to bribe him with french fries, suckers anything, he just continued to cry. Allen by that time had finished his meal, and volunteered to take Joseph out to the car. Phew! I thought...finally I am going to drink that margarita and eat some food. One bite of my meal and Addy says, "Mom I need to go to the restroom". Savannah says "me too!" Since we were sitting near the restrooms I let those two go, while I stayed with Thomas.. Second bite of my meal. " I have to go Poop Mommy!" Thomas says. Okay, by this time I am asking for the check, and trying to chug my margarita. Savannah ended up taking Thomas in to the bathroom, while I waited for the check. We finally left and went out to the car. Allen was able to get Joseph to sleep in the van. We made it home without any further problems, but once we got home and let Midnight (the dog) in from outside she decided to track muddy footprints all through the living room and kitchen. So, then I spent the next 20minutes cleaning up mud stains. It was a wonderful, memorable Family night.

1 comment:

Bulters said...

OMG! I'm so glad to hear about your evening! Misery loves company. I bet you were exhausted by the end of the night!