4 Kids and Us

4 Kids and Us

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Goodbye Summer...

Where did this summer go? Is anyone else wondering the same thing? I can't believe its August, and the kids start back to School in just a couple of weeks. We never took a vacation this summer, yet I think the kids really enjoyed our Summer. We had nothing scheduled, and so it was actually a very relaxing. We were able to go the pool quite a bit. Joseph is still small enough that he would just sleep in the stroller while I watched the kids. Allen took the kids out to the lake and they went fishing, tubing and swimming off the boat. I have started a book, and gotten addicted to shows like John and Kate Plus eight, Project Runway and Design Star. So, who can complain. Overall we had a great summer. We are going to take a quick trip out to see Allen's Parents in Western Kansas, before School starts back up. It should be interesting to see how Joseph does in the car for that long. It takes a little over 5 hours to get there. We won't be leaving for a few days, yet the girls have already started packing. Well, thats all for now. I should get some sleep, since I will be waking up to feed the baby in a few short hours.

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