My Brave little girl
Savannah had her tonsils and adenoids removed on Tuesday. Everything went really well. She is recovering well at home. She has been keeping quiet (which is hard for her) by playing games, puzzles and doing a giant activity book that her good friends Jocelyn and Eli gave her. This picture I took of her right before surgery. She wasn't really nervous at all. I can't say the same for her Dad and I. However, I am glad we did it, because the Dr. said her adenoids were huge, and her tonsils were in the Dr's own words " falling apart, cryptic and necrotic" in other words "disgusting! I am hoping this will make a huge difference for her this school year. Thomas is scheduled to have his tonsils out in August. I am not so sure it will go as smoothly for him. Trying to explain things to a 3 year old isn't quite the same as explaining them to a 6 year old. .